Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning establishes a cohesive long-term vision using technical assessments, input from stakeholders, and the results of Community consultations. Strategic plans increase accountability from leadership and industry, provide clear, action-oriented guides to decision making, encourage future funding opportunities, help Nations assert Title & Rights, support strong governance, and much more.

It is a holistic planning exercise that encompasses all aspects of a community, including, land, economic development, governance, education, infrastructure, culture, and social development.
Why Develop a CCP?
A CCP can be a powerful guiding document, providing a framework for decision making, identifying principals for land and resource management, creating economic opportunities, and strengthening governance. The Klahoose CCP outlines the overarching vision for the Nation that can provide the framework for other Strategic Plans.
Where is Klahoose at in the process?
The process was initiated in 2015 led by a Klahoose Planning Team in consultation with members, and Chief and Council. A CCP is a living documents that will change, be updated, and grow overtime. Klahoose has completed Phase 2 of the CCP process.
It establishes a long-term vision for the future of Klahoose Land management, working as a tool to guide KFN Council, staff, community members, and others in decision-making. It includes policies, goals and objectives informed by input from community and leadership, technical reviews, and building on other planning work, such as, the Comprehensive Community Plan.
Why Develop a Land Use Plan?
Some of the Strategic Objectives we hope to achieve with the Land Use Plan are:
Protect language, culture, and traditional way of life
Assert and clarify title and rights
Improve communication and understanding with neighbors
Advance reconciliation and improve relationship with the Crown
Clarify expectations for consultation or involvement in decision making
Ensure benefits from development in the Territory
Improved environmental protection and outcomes
Improved decision making and accountability
Facilitate community and economic development
Who is working on the Land Use Plan?
Strategic Planning Coordinator
Technical Advisors and Support
Territory Wide Land Use Planning Committee
How can Klahoose Members get involved and learn more?
We need your feedback to develop a strong Land Use Plan that reflects what you want for your Territory. Please give us your feedback.
Sign into your account to read about the Basic Principals of the Land Use Plan and fill out the survey to let us know what you think.
You can also find links to one of our upcoming virtual zoom meetings in your Members Account or on the community Facebook page.
It is an evaluation of Klahoose’s infrastructure needs over the next 40 years. The CDP is intended to be a guiding document that brings together Member’s priorities, cost estimates, technical reviews, and assessments.
Why Develop a Community
Development Plan?
A CDP can open the door to future funding and lay a path forward for faster, informed infrastructure development based on community priorities.
What’s Next?
CDP process and community engagements revealed the need for several public infrastructure projects and an urgent need for expanded housing stock.
As a direct result of engaging in the process and hearing the needs of community immediate work on a housing development plan, and a dock facility upgrade, have already begun. As funding becomes available other infrastructure priorities will also be pursued, including:
Recreation Centre
Cultural Centre
Big House
New Administrative
Office Space
Cemetery Expansion
Outdoor Multi-sport
Fish Hatchery Upgrade
A draft is complete and awaiting finalization, read the CDP summary booklet below.
It provides the opportunity to connect community, KFN leadership, staff, and businesses to a shared, long-term vision for the future of Klahoose Economic Development.
Why develop an
Economic Development Plan?
It can be key in opening the door to funding, ensure Klahoose values and priorities are reflected in economic development activities, increase accountability, and help create sustainable employment opportunities that benefit members.
Where are we at in the process?
Research, and preliminary work is complete, a draft is underway.