The Klahoose First Nation Social Development Department delivers
assistance to Klahoose community members in need.
We administer monthly Income Assistance programs, Assisted Living Support,
as well as social and cultural programming.
We support quality of life and well-being of all Klahoose members.
Assistance programs are dictated by Canadian Federal policy and programs.
Social Development

Income Assistance
The Social Development Worker assists all eligible applicants in navigating the application process and distribution of monthly benefits for four different income assistance streams, Basic Income Assistance, Persons with Disabilities Benefits (PWD), Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers benefits (PPMB), and Hardship Assistance. These monthly benefits programs are designed to support eligible community members with meeting the basic needs of daily living. Assistance programs also connect families and individuals to other support programs and access to employment supports.
Who is Eligible
Income Assistance Supports are for individuals and families in financial need, living within the community, including Klahoose Members, Members of other Nations, and non-status.
Assisted Living
The Assisted Living Program provides funding for non-medical social support services. Unlike the income assistance programs. The Assisted Living program is intended to provide support and enhance the dignity and quality of life for clients in need of varying degrees of care in their daily lives. The Social Development Coordinator manages applications and is the deciding body in providing services. Assisted living supports are available to Klahoose Members living within community.
Funeral Costs and Support
Necessary Funeral costs may be provided if no immediate resources are available to cover the costs.

Social Developent Programs
To start an application or learn more about any of the support programs contact the Social Development Coordinator. If you are in need don’t wait, contact the Social Development Worker right away.
Social Assistance
Client File Checklist
Download the form PDF, fill it out and email or mail it to us.
On-Reserve Income Assistance in BC
Download the form PDF, fill it out and email or mail it to us.